[5] Crypto APIs

1. Crypto Prices

The first step is to get the id numbers of all the cryptos. you can use this code:

Sample response:

Some examples of id numbers:
  • BCH = 1831
  • BNB = 1839
  • BTC = 1
  • BUSD = 4687
  • DOGE = 74
  • ETH = 1027
  • FIL = 2280
  • LINK = 1975
  • LTC = 2
  • USDC = 3408
  • USDT = 825

For getting details of one or multiple cryptos (BTC and ETH in this example), you can use this code:

Sample reponse:

For picking specific data, you can use something like this:
$price_ETH = $response_array["data"]["1027"]["quote"]["USD"]["price"];

2. Latest Global Metrics

For the latest global cryptocurrency market metrics, you can use this code.

Sample response

If you want to pick specific data, use somthing like this:
$total_market_cap = $response_array["data"]["quote"]["USD"]["total_market_cap"];

3. Static Metadata

For all static metadata available for one or more cryptos (logo, description, official website URL, social links, and links to a cryptocurrency's technical documentation, etc.), you can use this code:

Sample response: