[4] Blockchain APIs

1. Private Key

A private key is created by picking a random 256-bit number using a method that is not predictable or repeatable e.g. bitaddress.org asks you to randomly move your mouse around for a few seconds.

This should only be done using a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator (CSPRNG). See section 3(6) above.

A private key can be represented in multiple formats:

  1. Hex - 64 hexadecimal digits
  2. WIF - Wallet Import Format with the prefix 5
  3. WIF-compressed with the prefix K or L

Example of a Bitcoin private key in hexadecimal format:

Example of a Bitcoin private key in WIF-compressed format:

2. Public Key

A Public Key is calculated from the private key using irreversible Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

Public Key = Private Key * Generator point (a constant)

Example of a Bitcoin public key in hexadecimal format:

Calculating the Private Key from the Public Key is computationally infeasible as of today's computing technology.

3. Address

The address is calculated from the public key through a one-way cryptographic hash function.

Example: To calculate a bitcoin address, we compute the SHA256 hash of the Public Key and then compute the RIPEMD160 hash of the result.

Address = RIPEMD160(SHA256(Public Key))

Example of a Bitcoin Address:

4. Non-deterministic (Random) Wallets

Blockchain Wallets are of two main types:

  1. Non-deterministic (Random) Wallets
  2. Deterministic (Seeded) Wallets

Non-deterministic (Random) Wallets are just a collection of randomly generated private keys. The biggest problem with them is that they are difficult to manage, back up, and import.

The basic code to generate a non-deterministic wallet using BlockCypher API services is https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/{BLOCKCHAIN}/main/addrs

You will need to replace {BLOCKCHAIN} with the blockchain name e.g. btc for Bitcoin, eth for Ethereum Mainnet, etc.

Sample code for generating a non-deterministic Bitcoin wallet:

Sample code for generating a non-deterministic Ethereum wallet:

5. Deterministic (Seeded) Wallets

Deterministic (Seeded) Wallets contain private keys that are all derived from a common seed using a one-way hash function.

A seed is a randomly generated number combined with other data e.g. an index number to derive the private keys.

A mnemonic code is a sequence of words that represent a seed e.g.
urge pulp usage sister evidence arrest palm math please chief egg abuse

The mnemonic code is used to create and re-create all the keys. That's why you only need to back up these words.

This process is defined in BIP0039:

  1. Create a random sequence of 128 to 256 bits.
  2. Create a checksum of the random sequence by taking the first few bits of its SHA256 hash.
  3. Add the checksum to the end of the random sequence.
  4. Divide the sequence into sections of 11 bits, using those to index a dictionary of 2048 predefined words.
  5. Produce 12 to 24 words representing the mnemonic code.

6. Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets

Hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallets contain keys in a tree structure. Parent keys can produce children keys, which in turn can produce grandchildren keys. This can go on infinitely.

Step 1: Generating Mnemonic Code and Extended Public Key

The code for generating a BIP44 HD Wallet for Bitcoin is here. Note: You will need to generate a free Tatum API to use this.

This is a sample response:

SLIP-0044 : Registered coin types for BIP-0044

BIP-0044 defines a logical hierarchy for deterministic wallets. Level 2 of the hierarchy describes a coin type in use. See details here.

Step 2: Generating the address

This code generates the address from the extended public key and derivation path index. Note: You will need to generate a free Tatum API to use this.

This is a sample response.

Step 3: Generating the private key

This code generates a private key for an address from a mnemonic for a given derivation path index. Note: You will need to generate a free Tatum API to use this.

This is a sample response.

7. Chain API

Get the latest general information about a blockchain using https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/{BLOCKCHAIN}/main

You will need to replace {BLOCKCHAIN} with the blockchain name e.g. btc for Bitcoin, eth for Ethereum Mainnet, ltc for Litecoin etc.

8. Creating ERC20 & ERC721 tokens